Rockin' and Raisin' since 2022!
FunRaizin was the brainchild of our President and C.O.G. ( Chief Operating Grape), Zane.
It all started when he was a young boy in a family without a lot of money. There was a bike that he really wanted, and as much as his family wanted to get it for him, they didn’t have the means to buy it. Instead, he got an older, well loved, used bike.
The C.O.G. found a fundraiser that had a catalog with prizes for kids who fundraised. Guess what was in that catalogue…… the bike of his dreams! He spent the next two years with the catalogue knocking on doors. After a lot of work, he got his dream bike!
Zane went on to have a successful career in “big box” retail, and saw first hand how much retailers earn.
Here were are now! Taking retail profits, and giving them back to people who need them! Welcome to WE-tail! Our mission is to give back as much as we can, and make every aspect of the process FUN!
You’ll find we offer a charity shop which raises proceeds to give back to initiatives such as lunch programs in school, summer camps for kids, and the list goes on. We will never sell directly to the public. People purchasing will have to go through a fundraising store.
We’re working hard on offering a prize catalogue for the little Zane’s out there, working hard to make dreams happen. Keep checking back in for this!
We all can make a difference and give back, and that is the purpose of FunRaizin! WE-tail!